(Last updated: 04.02.11 - Alfred Pople)
Here's the list of WWII 206 Squadron Ground Crew, click their photograph for their story...

Alfred Pople (LAC) by Sue Winch (2010)
Alfred Pople
Rank: Leading Aircraftman
Number: 1446533
Joined 206: 26/06/1944
Flew with Ken: 0 times
Born: 28/10/1921
Died: 01/05/2002
In October 2010 I was contacted by Sue Winch as she had spotted her father on the 206 Squadron photograph from 1945 when they were based in Leuchars, Scotland. Alfred was born in West Ham, Essex in 1921 and was a tall chap at 6 foot 2 inches, he had 3 daughters. He died in Bromley in 2002 at the age of 80.
Sue believed that her father LAC Alfred Pople was a mechanic as part of the ground crew with 206 Squadron. This has now been confirmed after Sue received Alfred's RAF Service Record, within the 'Trade' section it states F.M.E which stands for Flight Mechanic Engines.
Alfred's Service Record lists the following key dates:
10.07.1941 - Enlisted
24.10.1941 - 9 S of TT (School of Technical Training) based in Morecambe
11.03.1942 - 11 RC (Reception Centre) based in Skegness
08.04.1942 - 5 COTU (Coastal Operation Training Unit)
26.06.1944 - 206 Squadron based at St Eval then Leuchars
11.10.1945 - 4206 SE (Servicing Echelon) based at RAF Oakington
LAC Alfred Pople

Alfred enlisted on the 10th July 1941 at RAF Cardington.
Enlistment Notice

Alfred Pople
Front row 1st left

Leuchars 1944
Christmas Menu

206 Squadron at Leuchars 1944
Front row 5th left

Here's a cartoon hosting Alfred and an enhanced picture of him from the 206 Squadron photograph at Leuchars above.